A VAT Inspector Calls

We know that HMRC takes its role very seriously and has been putting additional resources into debt collection, while we’ve heard of more instances of VAT officers visiting businesses to inspect VAT records (known as compliance checks).
These are usually completely random visits and it doesn’t generally mean VAT officers think you are doing anything wrong. However, it can still be very stressful and worrying.
Normally, you will be given seven days’ notice of such a visit but HMRC does sometimes appear without an appointment or make a call about your VAT – to ascertain you are paying or reclaiming the correct amount of VAT.
If one of our clients ever receives notice that they are going to be subject to a visit, then we make sure all their records are ready to be shown to the inspector and that everything is in order. We can also attend on the day, which we know would give our clients peace of mind.
If you do get a call from HMRC about a potential VAT inspection, you might worry that it’s not genuine. HMRC will already know your details when they call and will never ask for any personal information. You can also call HMRC back afterwards on the VAT helpline to make sure the call was genuine.
If you need support with your VAT or think you might be heading towards the VAT threshold, then do give us a call: 01892 513515.