Barney Publishes A Book: ‘Our High Points’

Barney Lewis, who founded Lewis & Co nearly 40 years ago, and retired from the business in March 2016, has published a book, which focuses on his long interest in climbing. Even after qualifying as a Chartered Accountant in 1971, Barney took a couple of years out, which he spent rock climbing in the Alps and training as an outward-bound instructor in the Lake District.
The book ‘Our High Points’, brings together 60 years of memoirs of Sandstone Climbing Club. As Barney says in the foreword:
“The aim of the book is to capture the memories of the Sandstone Climbing Club members from the inception of the club in 1951 to its merger with the Tunbridge Wells Mountaineering Club in 2012.
It is hoped that through the memories, opinions and experiences, an understanding might be gained of the climbers’ motivations and the pleasure they derived through climbing and the camaraderie’.”
In the section which captures his memories, Barney explains that he first learnt to climb on an Austrian Alpine Club mountaineering course in October 1967 in Snowdonia. He tells of some memorable climbs and the danger some of these involved, but what shines through of these ‘adventures at home and abroad’ are of ‘all the fun and the everlasting friendships’.
If you’d like to find out more about the book, you can email Barney on: